Monsular – Go, Baby!

“Go, Baby!” was a small milestone on my way to music production in 2006, as it was one of the first tracks where I experimented with vocal samples. Even though I wasn’t quite sure what the singer was saying, the vocal snippets gave the track a unique texture and charm.

The Story

In 2006, during my early days and nights in Berlin, I composed “Go, Baby!”, a track that holds a special place in my heart. This was a time of exploration and inspiration, where the vibrant energy of the city and the pulsating beats of house grooves influenced my creative process.

I’ve always had a deep love for house music, its infectious rhythms and grooves that make you want to dance. This track, “Go, Baby!”, is a testament to that passion. It features several interesting and groovy elements, designed to get people moving on the dance floor. One of my favorite parts of the track is the repetitive vocal line “go, baby, go, baby…”. Every time I hear it, I can’t help but feel a surge of good vibes and energy.

“Go, Baby!” was also a little milestone in my music production journey, being one of the first tracks where I experimented with vocal samples. Even though I wasn’t entirely sure what the singer was saying, the vocal snippets added a unique texture and charm to the track. Initially, I had named the song “A Lot to Learn”, reflecting my ongoing journey of mastering music production. However, I later changed the title to “Go, Baby!” because it perfectly captured the track’s essence and energy.

Back then, I composed this track using Logic Audio, a powerful tool that allowed me to bring my musical ideas to life. The experience of creating “Go, Baby!” was a blend of trial, error, and joyful discovery. The track’s infectious grooves and catchy melodies are a reflection of my love for dance music and my desire to create something that resonates with the listeners on the dance floor.

So now, I say dance and go: go, baby, go!